Author Guidelines

Submission of Manuscripts

The "Pakistan Review of Social Sciences Research" considers original manuscripts for publication. Authors must ensure that neither the manuscript nor its key components are submitted to any other publication prior to acceptance in this journal.

Online Submission

Corresponding authors must create an account on our website or log in to an existing account. The submission process consists of five straightforward steps. Manuscripts should be anonymized (i.e., no author identifiers such as names, titles, affiliations, or locations). Author details should be included in the metadata. Supplementary materials, such as data files and fee documents, may be submitted as needed.


Our journal publishes in English, with a preference for British English, although American English is acceptable when suitable.

Writing Style and Format

Manuscripts should be formatted in Times New Roman, size 12, justified, with single line spacing. Tables and illustrations (figures, charts, images) should be embedded within the text at appropriate locations, not appended at the end.

Submission Format by Manuscript Type

  • Review Article: Maximum 4,000 words, excluding references.

  • Original Article: Maximum 3,000 words, plus a structured abstract of 250 words and at least 20 references.

  • Case Study: Structure: Abstract; Introduction; Case Description; Discussion and Conclusion.

  • Short Report: Structure: Abstract; Introduction; Methods and Results; Conclusion.

  • Special Communication: Structure: Abstract; Introduction; Methods and Results; Conclusion.

  • Short Communications / Case Reports: Maximum 1,250 words, excluding the title page and an unstructured abstract of 150 words, with no more than two tables or figures and up to 10 references. A maximum of six authors is allowed.

  • Letters to the Editor: Maximum 250 words for responses to recent articles, or 400 words for other topics. These must include no more than five references and one figure or table, and can have a maximum of three authors. Letters must be submitted within four weeks of the original article's publication.

Title of the Manuscript

The title should reflect the study’s design, objectives, and key variables, as well as the population's characteristics and geographical context. Avoid abbreviations in the title. Each manuscript should also include five to ten keywords relevant to social science research.


Standard abbreviations should be used. Upon first use, the full term must be provided, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.

Tables and Illustrations

  1. No limit on the number of tables and illustrations, provided they are relevant to the manuscript.

  2. Each table and illustration should be self-explanatory and not reliant on the text for understanding.

  3. Each table and illustration must include a descriptive legend beneath it.

  4. Illustrations should be of high quality, with editable graphs and charts.

  5. Appropriate legends should accompany all tables and illustrations.

  6. If a table or illustration is sourced from previously published material, proper citation is required.

  7. Permission must be obtained to reproduce any previously published illustrations.


  1. References should adhere to the APA style (American Psychological Association).

  2. Number references consecutively within the text, using Arabic numerals.

  3. Provide full last names followed by initials of first names for all authors, with up to six authors listed. If more than six, list the first six followed by "et al."

  4. Include DOI links where available, or provide access links.

  5. Journal titles should be fully spelled out.

Example Reference: Zahra, A., & Mansoor, H. (2023). The impact of social media on youth political engagement. Journal of Social Research, 15(3), 120-132.

Data Analysis Plan

Research in social sciences involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Social science researchers should ensure that their data is analyzed appropriately, using descriptive and inferential statistics where necessary.

Descriptive Statistics

Categorical data (nominal and ordinal) should be analyzed by frequency and percentage. Numeric data should be analyzed using means, medians, and standard deviations, as applicable.

Inferential Statistics

Two main methods for inferential analysis:

  1. Estimation of parameters: Confidence intervals (usually 95%) are calculated to estimate population parameters.

  2. Hypothesis testing: Hypotheses related to social variables (e.g., social inequality, community engagement) can be tested.

Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative analysis involves coding textual or visual data into themes or categories, often using tools like NVivo.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Summarize findings in non-statistical terms, linking recommendations directly to the study’s objectives and results.

This version is tailored to social sciences and focuses on ensuring compliance with ethical and methodological standards in the field.