Policies & Guidelines
Pakistan Review of Social Sciences Research
Policies & Guidelines
Peer Review Process & Editorial Process
Publication Frequency
Open Access Policy
Crossmark Policy Statement
Publication Ethics and Policy Guidelines
Plagiarism Policy
Policies Related to the Use of AI in Manuscripts
Repository Policy
Data Sharing Policy
Advertisement Policy
Appeals Process
Complaint Process
Authorship Criteria
Submission of False Documents
1. Peer Review Process & Editorial Process
This policy applies to all submissions to the Pakistan Review of Social Sciences Research (PRSSR), which follows a rigorous peer-review process. Each manuscript undergoes an initial evaluation (within 5 days) to assess its alignment with the journal’s scope and originality. The Editorial Board selects reviewers based on their expertise in the social sciences. Manuscripts are then reviewed by two external experts. Reviewers are given 4 weeks to submit their feedback. If revisions are required, the manuscript is returned to the authors for modification, with resubmission expected within 5 days, extendable upon request. Revised manuscripts undergo a second round of review before the final decision is made within 2 days. Once accepted, the manuscript undergoes copy editing and proofreading, with final publication occurring within 3 days of acceptance. The overall process typically concludes within 40-45 days. In case of a conflict of interest, a designated member of the Editorial Board will oversee the peer review process. Reviewer identities remain confidential. Any falsified information regarding authors or reviewers will result in rejection and potential penalties. Guest editorials are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or a designated guest editor.
2. Publication Frequency
The Pakistan Review of Social Sciences Research is published quarterly.
3. Open Access Policy
All articles in the PRSSR are open access, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows for unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction, provided the original authors and source are cited.
4. Archiving
The journal ensures long-term preservation via PKP Private's LOCKSS network, which creates a distributed file across participating libraries, safeguarding permanent access to its content. A unique DOI is assigned to each article to ensure proper indexing.
5. Crossmark Policy Statement
DOI: 10.54393/prssr/crossmark
All articles published in the PRSSR are permanent and indexed with a DOI. Authors may submit revisions, which will be hyperlinked to the original version, but no published version can be removed or altered. The journal follows CrossMark policies to maintain the integrity of its content.
Addendum, Erratum, and Retractions:
If necessary, the journal publishes addendums, errata, or retractions in line with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines.
6. Publication Ethics and Policy Guidelines
Authorship Disputes
Acknowledgments: Contributions that do not qualify for authorship should still be acknowledged. This includes technical assistance, data collection, or institutional support.
Number and Order of Authors: There is no limit on the number of authors, but it should reflect the actual contribution. The order should be agreed upon by all authors.
Principal and Corresponding Authors: The first author is typically the one who made the most substantial contribution. The corresponding author handles communication with the journal.
Informed Consent & Confidentiality: Authors must ensure informed consent from all research participants. Special care must be taken when including minors or vulnerable groups in social science research.
Conflicts of Interest / Financial Disclosures
All authors and reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that could influence the research or its review. Financial disclosures and potential conflicts are published alongside articles.
Protection of Research Participants
Authors must provide ethical approval certificates for studies involving human subjects. Social science studies should adhere to principles protecting participant rights, including confidentiality, privacy, and informed consent.
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The PRSSR adheres to COPE guidelines. Editors, reviewers, and authors must uphold high ethical standards in academic publishing, ensuring the integrity of the journal.
7. Plagiarism Policy
The PRSSR uses plagiarism detection tools to ensure the originality of all submissions. Any instance of plagiarism will result in automatic rejection or retraction. Authors are responsible for ensuring the authenticity of their work, and any proven plagiarism may lead to a ban from future submissions.
8. Policies Related to the Use of AI in Manuscripts
The journal allows the use of AI tools to assist with data analysis or writing but requires full disclosure of any AI involvement. AI should not replace human oversight, especially in interpreting findings or drawing conclusions.
9. Repository Policy
Authors are encouraged to deposit their research data in recognized open-access repositories, ensuring transparency and facilitating future research replication.
10. Data Sharing Policy
Authors should make relevant data available for review and allow access post-publication for validation and further research, consistent with data protection guidelines.
11. Advertisement Policy
The PRSSR permits advertisements related to social sciences research, education, and academic conferences. The Editorial Board reserves the right to approve all advertisements for relevancy and appropriateness.
12. Appeals Process
Authors who disagree with editorial decisions may submit an appeal to the Editorial Board, which will conduct an independent review. Final decisions will be communicated within 2 weeks.
13. Complaint Process
Complaints regarding publication ethics, editorial decisions, or reviewer conduct may be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. The journal will investigate the matter following COPE guidelines.
14. Authorship Criteria
Only individuals who have made significant contributions to the research and writing process should be listed as authors. All listed authors must approve the final manuscript and agree to its submission.
15. Submission of False Documents
The submission of false or manipulated documents is strictly prohibited. Any violations will result in rejection and disciplinary measures, potentially extending to legal action.
These guidelines aim to ensure the integrity and academic rigor of all articles published in the Pakistan Review of Social Sciences Research.